Atomic Number of Strontium

Atomic Number of Strontium is 38.
Chemical symbol for Strontium is Sr. Number of protons in Strontium is 38. Atomic weight of Strontium is 87.62 u or g/mol. Melting point of Strontium is 769 °C and its the boiling point is 1384 °C.
» Boiling Point » Melting Point » Abundant » State at STP » Discovery YearAbout Strontium
Strontium is an alkaline metal known for its extremely high chemical reactivity. It has got its name after a town in Scotland, Strontian. It occurs naturally on the surface of our planet in various minerals, and a large portion of natural strontium is produced in China. Since the properties of this chemical element are similar to the ones of calcium, there can be a bit of strontium accumulated in living organisms. When this chemical element burns, a salt of bright red color is produced, that’s why it is used for producing fireworks. Strontium is also used in chemical industry and for producing magnets. It is also a by-product of radioactive chemical reactions, and it can be dangerous and carcinogen for human body as a radioactive element.
Properties of Strontium Element
Atomic Number (Z) | 38 |
Atomic Symbol | Sr |
Group | 2 |
Period | 5 |
Atomic Weight | 87.62 u |
Density | 2.64 g/cm3 |
Melting Point (K) | 1050 K |
Melting Point (℃) | 769 °C |
Boiling Point (K) | 1655 K |
Boiling Point (℃) | 1384 °C |
Heat Capacity | 0.301 J/g · K |
Abundance | 370 mg/kg |
State at STP | Solid |
Occurrence | Primordial |
Description | Alkaline earth metal |
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ | 0.95 |
Ionization Energy (eV) | 5.6949 |
Atomic Radius | 200pm |
Covalent Radius | 192pm |
Valence Electrons | 2 |
Year of Discovery | 1790 |
Discoverer | Crawford |